Grouped the text, further variations in scale. Have also dulled the background though more vibrant from first poster. It now looks like the paper found in a book and therefore i feel the need for an image of a book is redundant.
Further experimentaion with layout and making clear space to ease the eye when viewing the image. Still not sitting quite right though.
In this trial i have again experimented with colour, enhancing and creating vibrancy. I feel the coffee colour and deep red of the background gives it a cinimatic/antique feel, which i am not attempting to create.
In this design i have experimented with scale, colour, shape and hierarchy. the font is more appropriate to the style though i felt it did not look clean enough. I want to make more negative space in order to give the poster an uncluttered yet interesting feel.
This is my first attempt/idea behind creating a Bauhaus design. I used a paper texture for the background with similar tones to Bauhaus posters i have researched. I also attempted to incorporate a black and white image of a book to relate to the text.
I have also used a clean, clear font though it does not give the right feel for Bauhaus. It is too modern even though it was influenced from Bauhaus typology. I bought 'Bayer Universal' and experimented with this type in my other examples.